Special Guest: Genealogist Kevin Mittge

We chat with Robbins’ family descendent and genealogist Kevin Mittge about the Robbins’ migration west, what it means to be the keeper of a family history, and the concept of genealogy in general. He keeps the excellent blog Robbins Roots.

Kevin’s great-great-great grandparents, Nathaniel and Nancy Robbins.

Kevin’s great-great-great grandparents, Nathaniel and Nancy Robbins.

Nathaniel and Nancy built this house in 1860, shortly after they settled the property.

Nathaniel and Nancy built this house in 1860, shortly after they settled the property.

The above two hand drawn images were taken from the historic registry account and show the house as it was originally laid out by Nathaniel Robbins.

The above two hand drawn images were taken from the historic registry account and show the house as it was originally laid out by Nathaniel Robbins.

Nathaniel Robbins’ land claim for the land where Carson now lives. Remember, Nathaniel acquired the land from the US government through the Donation Land Act which in 1863 became the Homestead Act. As we discussed in Episode 2, the tract of land was designated in accordance to the Survey and Platt system with the quadrants referencing the Willamette Stone.

Nathaniel Robbins’ land claim for the land where Carson now lives. Remember, Nathaniel acquired the land from the US government through the Donation Land Act which in 1863 became the Homestead Act. As we discussed in Episode 2, the tract of land was designated in accordance to the Survey and Platt system with the quadrants referencing the Willamette Stone.

Nathaniel Robbins’ signed Settlers Oath.

Nathaniel Robbins’ signed Settlers Oath.

A map of Stafford area Robbins family land claims compiled by Kevin.

A map of Stafford area Robbins family land claims compiled by Kevin.

Near the end of this episode we touch on redlining in Portland. Read here to learn more.

Have a note, a question, or a correction? Get in touch!


Catching Up


Jennie Melcher